Thursday, 10 December 2009

Friday, 20 November 2009

Drum n Bass as the punk of the 90's?

An informative Guardian article, by punk theorist and 'Englands Dreaming' author Jon Savage, that compares the socio-political impact of Shy FX's 'Sound of the Beast' at Carnival '94. It draws some interesting comparisons between punk and drum n bass.

It would be interesting to take Hedige's 'Subculture: the theory of style' and apply his ideas about punk to contemporary drum n bass. (Possible dissertation topic?)

Jon Savage on Shy FX

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Steve Bell on George Osborne: 'He's got a bum-nose'

Guardian cartoonist Steve Bell on the joys and challenges of caricaturing Tory MP's. Brilliant stuff.

Objectification of Women in advertising

A controversial ad campaign by has brought this old chestnut back up for debate. What do you think?

Guardian article

A wealth of theoretical and contextual information to frame this debate can be found on this excellent resource-

Exhibitions In Manchester

There are some excellent exhibitions in Manchester at the moment. It would be well worth taking a trip over to get valuable research for your various Contextual & Theoretical Studies / Studio briefs.

Home Grown @ URBIS
Angels of Anarchy @ Manchester Art Gallery

Richard Miles will be running a trip on Fri 23rd Oct (details here) predominantly for Graphics & Vis Comm level 2 but all are welcome to attend.

'Nobody will give you freedom. You have to take it' Lisa Jaye Young (Meret Oppenheim review)

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Maxim Of The Day

Paul de Man, (1986) 'The Resistance To Theory', Minnesota, University of Minnesota Press, p.4